FREE WEBINAR | AI x Trend-Driven Innovation ✨

12 September 2024

NYC 9:30 AM / Paris 15:30

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About TrendBaby


About TrendBaby

Marketers, Strategists, Creatives, Innovators — rejoice! TrendBaby is TrendWatching's new AI-powered Trend-Driven Innovation tool, currently in beta. 

If you love consumer trends and insights, and get equally excited about turning them into meaningful, winning consumer-facing products and campaigns, then TrendBaby is for you!

Give it a shot, share your feedback with the TrendBaby bot, and no matter what, stay tuned for new features!

How it works

You tell us about which consumer trend you want to innovate around, and for whom, and we'll prompt ChatGPT to churn out lots of fun B2C innovation ideas for you. Instantly and secure.

Just because we and you now can.

How it works


Join us on a journey

You're looking at a beta TrendBaby - a newborn really 👶🏽
Meanwhile, we're hard at work to bring you v2, with an expanded ideation intake-scope — while also anticipating ChatGPT 5.
Basically, join the journey - today's version is the worst it will ever be 😉


Beta version live, tons of tinkering

Q3 2024

Expect tons of ongoing feedback-related improvements, both for the ideation journey and the output process - from more detailed audience input to turning your innovations into a beautiful pitch deck for co-workers and stakeholders

Q4 2024

Introduce synthetic user testing, as well as more collaborative ideation functionalities

Q1 2025

Introducing a conversational version of the tool including an expert trend ideation bot


We'd really, really appreciate your feedback and suggestions

This journey will only truly get better if you let us know what worked and what didn't work for you, and what else you would like to see.

Just ping the TrendBaby bot below with your feedback and suggestions and we'll run with things.

Organize a TrendBaby workshop

Empower your team with an AI x trend-driven innovation session - making the most of TrendBaby under the expert guidance of our Trend Analysts.

That's two instant wins: training your team in mastering important AI tools as well as ideating some amazing Next Big Thing innovations.

Regardless of where you're based, our workshops can be arranged for online or in the real world — email our Business Development Director, Giulia Bolzan to discuss the various possibilities.


Meet TrendBaby PRO


Meet TrendBaby PRO

Want to go all out on AI x Trend Driven Innovation? 

Our PRO version brings you many more consumer trends to choose from, visualisations of your innovations, and forever access to new, exclusive features and functionalities. 


More info

Any AI / Trends / TrendBaby questions?

Just email Giulia Bolzan, our Business Development Director, and she will get back to you asap. Promise.