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From inflation woes to worthwise wins: navigating 2025’s fragile optimism

Out now: Ipsos’ Predictions 2025 Report, with findings from surveying people across 33 countries on their hopes, fears and everything in between. Here’s what stands out:

📈 Optimism: Despite a permacrisis-fueled world, 71% believe 2025 will be better — up a fraction from 70% last year. And while 65% say 2024 was bad for their country, that’s the lowest figure for that statement since 2019.

🧘‍♀️ Health on the vision board: 69% manifest better mental and physical health in 2025 and 37% plan to scroll less. A collective exhale might be on the horizon?

😶‍🌫️ Fear of becoming obsolete: Globally, 65% fear AI-driven job losses, overshadowing the 43% who see AI as a job creator. Stark contrasts emerge: 77% in China predict AI will create jobs, while 65% in Japan brace for losses.

🔥 Climate anxiety heats up: 72% expect even more extreme weather in 2025, with 42% fearing parts of their country will become uninhabitable. Concerns about uninhabitability are peaking in the Philippines (78%), Indonesia (66%) and Malaysia (58%).

💰 Income < inflation: 79% anticipate prices will outpace incomes – mirroring, on average, last year’s stat. Economic worries hit harder in the Philippines (90%), Romania (89%) and the Netherlands (88%), where concerns have surged 7-8 points YoY.

🔎 Let’s zero in on that last stat. As optimism grows fragile and wallets tighten, value itself is being rewritten. Gen Z is already opting out of traditional FOBO workplaces and cashing in on Roblox gigs and selfie-powered discounts.

Forward-thinking brands are taking note. They’re building systems that go beyond price tags — rewarding authentic participation, fueling emotional connection and unlocking unexpected value. In 2025, success will hinge on helping people create, capture and realize worth holistically, which is to say: financially, emotionally and socially.