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Google Maps targets range anxiety with smart new features for EV drivers

Last week, Google Maps introduced new features to make driving electric vehicles easier, addressing two common concerns among EV drivers: range anxiety and locating charging stations.

The first feature will suggest the best charging stops for shorter trips based on traffic, current battery levels and expected energy consumption — making it easier for drivers to plan their routes and avoid running out of charge. Additionally, drivers can swap suggested charging stations for others with just a few taps.

Google is also adding a filter for 'very fast' charging stations. These have chargers with 150 kW or higher, allowing drivers to fill up their vehicles and be back on the road in less than 40 minutes. Lastly, Google Maps will display EV charging stations in search results, making it easier for drivers to identify charging stations at destinations like supermarkets and include charging when they're running errands.

The new features are available to those driving vehicles that have Google built-in.

Trend Bite

These new options in Google Maps will only become more valuable as the number of public EV chargers is set to surge. In the US, for example, Tesla will make 7,500 Supercharger stations available to non-Tesla EVs by the end of 2024 — a commitment driven by stipulations in the Inflation Reduction Act. 

The transition to electric vehicles presents a wide range of opportunities to develop innovative products and services that can turn profits while positively impacting the environment. From hotel booking platforms for EV drivers to upcycling worn-out batteries. As the EV ecosystem continues to evolve, how can your brand get involved?

Innovation of the day

Spotted by: Bruna Boucinha