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Social fabric

Amid societal polarization, German supermarket Edeka zooms in on neighborhood cohesion

A report by German supermarket giant Edeka — its fifth annual survey of neighborhoods across the country — reveals a complex picture of social cohesion. While three-quarters of respondents perceive significant division within German society as a whole, this sentiment doesn't necessarily translate to their immediate surroundings. In fact, 64% of those surveyed report little to no polarization within their own neighborhoods.

The study highlights a potential antidote to societal fragmentation: community engagement. A majority of Germans (also 64%) believe that neighborhood involvement can have a positive impact on social cohesion. This optimism is reflected in the willingness of 75% of respondents to consider future social engagement in their communities. 🛠️ Interestingly, the survey found that individuals who are already actively involved in their neighborhoods tend to perceive less societal division overall.

Polarization continues to intensify, and Germany is no exception — just this week, AfD became the first far-right party to win a state election in the country since World War II. From elections to heated debates over social and environmental issues, many countries are grappling with ideological divides. Edeka's research suggests that fostering connections at the most local level could be a powerful tool to combat polarization. Without necessarily taking sides, brands can play a role in promoting local engagement as a counterbalance to societal divides. One to get started on asap?!

Five tips from Edeka for residents seeking to strengthen hyperlocal connections

1) Support neighbors with everyday tasks to strengthen the community and ensure mutual support.
2) Create an (online) neighborhood group to share information about nearby events, tips, or ways to support each other.
3) Set up exchange shelves or organize a swap circle where everyone can swap items they no longer need.
4) Initiate an afternoon of picking up litter in the neighborhood or a green space nearby. 
5) Design green balconies, window sills and gardens together to improve air quality, beautify the 'hood and provide habitat for insects.