Explore MINDCRAFT: Read the articles behind our latest trend

Did our most recent issue of Make→Shift pique your interest? Swot up on MINDCRAFT and sharpen your mental health toolkit with these articles and trend resources.


First things first: If you haven’t read Make→Shift: MINDCRAFT yet, hop to it. In our most recent publication, we explain why tomorrow’s consumers are looking to build their emotional resilience, and how businesses can help them get there. It’s filled with juicy insights and pioneering innovations such as LEGO’s cyberbullying initiative and the emotional fitness gym taking a mind-over-body approach to workouts. 

In the process of refining our report, however, plenty of clippings were left on the cutting room floor – resources that we think are simply too good to waste. Rather than keep them all to ourselves, we’ve compiled a tidy reading list, enabling you to take a deeper look at our latest trend.


More MINDCRAFT? The Research Behind our Latest Trend 


  1. From the off, we were interested in the misuse of emotional AI. Given the ongoing data protection scandals and general anxieties surrounding the power of Big Tech, it’s unsurprising that today’s consumers are less trusting of tech companies than in the past. If you want to see MINDCRAFT done wrong, feast your eyes on this scandalous article from the New York Times.

  2. Of course, while researching emotional resilience we spent a long time poring over the state of consumers’ financial resilience, too. Unsurprisingly, in the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority reported that the pandemic has had a hugely negative impact. Financial literacy appears to be on the up – whether in the form of Money Saving Expert’s Open University course or projects like Next Gen Personal Finance

  3. Economic instability has taken its emotional toll on consumers, as the financial services provider Happy Money knows only too well. In March, it launched a free, six-week wellness course to help frazzled consumers understand and manage the impact of financial stress. It didn’t quite make the cut, but we thought it was a prime example of MINDCRAFT in action. 

  4. Misü did make it into the report – thanks to John Scott Lewinski at Forbes for the introduction. The app uses AI to track the user’s wellbeing and offers suggestions as to how users can adapt their screen time to boost their mental health. 

  5. A key theme in our report was the elision of mental and physical health – with brands like coa and We Are Warriors taking a refreshingly muscular stance on mental wellbeing. 360Wellness caught our eye, too. The Singapore-based wellness marketplace is gearing up to launch its first cryptocurrency, The DEFIT token, which can be cashed in for live virtual wellness classes and mental health coaching. It’s ‘health equals wealth’ taken to its most logical extreme. 

  6. We know, we know. This New York Times piece on languishing was already mentioned in MINDCRAFT, but it was so insightful that we’re chucking it in here for good measure. 

  7. And finally, a game. Because life’s too short. Equoo promises to boost players’ EQ and ‘supercharge’ their personal development. It might have been released as an NHS mental health resource in Q4 2019, but we think it was ahead of its time. Little did we then know that an earth-shuddering pandemic would push emotional resilience high up the consumer agenda.

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