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Virtual flavorscape

Scientists create an electric lollipop that simulates green tea, durian and other flavors

Scientists at the City University of Hong Kong have developed a lollipop-like device capable of simulating nine distinct flavors, including everyday tastes like sugar and salt, alongside more complex options such as green tea, durian and passion fruit. Their findings, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, demonstrate how taste could be integrated into virtual and augmented reality experiences.

The device works by embedding food-grade chemicals in tiny gel pockets activated by small electrical currents, releasing flavors that mix with saliva on the user’s tongue. Intensity can be adjusted by varying the voltage, all while staying well within safety limits. The study’s researchers also integrated seven channels for odors, acknowledging the crucial connection between smell and taste in creating authentic flavor experiences.

While the current prototype can only operate for about an hour before the gels need to be replaced, and using the device is more akin to sucking on a piece of circuit board than a Tootsie Pop, the technology opens up intriguing possibilities. From virtual shopping to enhanced entertainment — think a Great British Bake Off where everyone at home can taste the Victoria Sponge.