TrendWatching Daily | Innovations

Paw Patrol, Seoul Edition? Pet-owner teams monitor neighborhood safety on daily walks

Written by Acacia Leroy | May 3, 2024 5:32:28 AM

The Seoul Dog Patrol Program is a voluntary citizen initiative where teams of dogs and their owners are appointed to watch for and report any suspected safety risks to authorities while going on walks in their neighborhood. Dog owners who sign up for the program have to undergo screening, followed by training on safety precautions and what to look out for during patrols. 

Organized by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the initiative started in 2022 with just 64 teams. In 2023, the program grew to 1000+ teams, who carried out over 48,000 patrol activities and reported more than 2,600 neighborhood safety risks — such as damaged facilities or people who appear to be intoxicated. The 2024 program kicked off this week with over 1,400 teams. This year, the goal is to expand to 2,000 teams and focus on preventing crime, ensuring the safety of women returning home late at night, and promoting responsible pet ownership.