24 April 2024

Defying societal taboos around women's bodies, parenting care brand Frida has launched Frida Uncensored — an online video library providing detailed, unfiltered instructional content showing real people using the company's conception, pregnancy and postpartum products. The demonstrations, filmed on all-female sets, provide candid views of acts like at-home insemination and prenatal perineal massage.

The videos address a startling lack of comprehensive, accurate resources available to educate women on their own bodies and health needs during transformative life stages. Frida's initiative is a direct response to the censorship that's common on social media platforms — the company's founders grew frustrated with their content being rejected or obscured due to puritanical squeamishness around female anatomy. (Sexualizing those same bodies to sell products, on the other hand...)

By hosting the videos on its own age-gated website, Frida circumvents those barriers while tapping into growing consumer demand for relatable, no-holds-barred learning. More how-tos are in the works, and Frida is casting women who are TTC, pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding and willing to share their experiences.

23 April 2024

Nearsightedness in kids is skyrocketing. In a cheeky stunt that initially had some parents and pundits outraged, Spanish eyewear giant Multiópticas launched a 'kid walking' service: Paseadores de Niños. The business purportedly employed people to take children outside for walks, highlighting the alarming reality that many kids today spend less time outdoors than household pets.

The concept was soon revealed to be an awareness campaign about the growing childhood myopia crisis. Hoping to slow down the growth of a Generación Borrosa, or Blurry Generation, Multiópticas wants to educate families on the importance of adequate sunlight and outdoor activity for preserving healthy eyesight.

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