TrendWatching Daily | Innovations

On board fast trains in France, passengers join sports-themed climate workshops

Written by Liesbeth den Toom | Jun 26, 2024 5:12:57 PM

In June 2024, French railway company SNCF hosted special sports-themed editions of its En'Train pour le Climat workshops. These events, which have been held on board TGV INOUI and INTERCITÉS trains since 2022, aim to raise awareness about environmental and climate issues. The sports-themed edition taps into the spirit of the Olympic Games. By drawing parallels between athletic excellence and environmental action — resilience, perseverance, teamwork — SNCF aims to turn the climate crisis into challenge that can be tackled.

The workshops, taking the format of a 40-minute team quiz, are held in bar cars and communal spaces on trains. Participants are invited to engage in discussions and meet new fellow passengers while exploring ways to take individual and collective action as part of the climate transition. Workshops were held on 24 long-distance routes. To make the experience even more memorable, eco-forward athletes regularly joined in, too.