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Corporate office symbolizes status quo frustrations in fashion brand Miista's rage room

Written by Liesbeth den Toom | Jul 22, 2024 2:05:26 PM

London-based fashion label Miista is making a bold statement with the opening of its New York store, its first physical space outside Europe. Addressing the current state of (political) affairs, the female-owned brand introduced a rage room. As Miista says, "It feels like our collective anger with the status quo is heavier than ever — which is no surprise considering the relentless political stupidity and human suffering we see in the news every day."

As an emotional outlet, Miista transformed part of its new Orchard Street store into a temporary corporate office-themed rage room before it officially opened on 19 July 2024. The space was decorated with discarded supplies found around the city, and Miista invited members of its NYC community to physically express their frustrations by smashing and destroying everything in sight.

The concept extends beyond the initial happening, evolving into a "community rage wall" that will be an ongoing store feature. Visitors are encouraged to write their concerns, whether personal or political, on Post-It notes to be displayed on the wall, creating a living document that captures the pulse of New York sentiments, particularly as November's US elections approach.