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Yamaha developed an app to let sports fans in Japan add to the stadium atmosphere during a game

Yamaha developed an app, Remote Cheerer by SoundUD, to let sports fans in Japan add to the stadium atmosphere during a game – even while social distancing and watching from home. Fans can tap various buttons in the app to cheer, clap, chant, boo, and make other sounds; those sounds are then broadcast in the stadium in real-time, for players to hear. Spectators can even select which area of the stadium their noises will play from. In May, Yamaha tested Remote Cheerer in a 50,000-seat stadium in Japan, as teams prepare to play live games again. 

Maybe your innovation isn’t reaching thousands of people, let alone thousands at the exact same moment. But the key insight here, for every business, is the importance of keeping your customer engaged – even (especially!) if your product or service has been majorly impacted by COVID-19. We’re assuming, of course, you’ll want customers to come back as life slowly returns to something like ‘normal’. So keep your brand or offering top-of-mind! 

For example: Even with travel restrictions still in effect, Thai Airlines engaged loyalty members by granting them miles for following stay-at-home orders. Even with bars closed, Jägermeister helped nightlife professionals (bartenders, drag queens, etc.) throw virtual ‘parties’ with customers at home. And Remote Cheerer does more than restore fan-player interaction, even as spectators are barred from stadiums. Viewers will be able to participate in ways they couldn’t previously, when watching from home; adding a new dimension to the experience!

How can you continue to remain relevant to your customers and seize their attention? Could you do so by reimagining your typical CX, or allowing consumers to sound off (literally, in the case of Remote Cheerer) and express themselves? Get creative! 

Stay healthy,

The TrendWatching content team