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Former Tate staff's curatorial training program recruits (and pays) working class students

Despite efforts to become more diverse, the art world is still far from inclusive. One pervasive roadblock? Money. Aiming to knock down barriers within the curatorial profession, three former Tate staff members are launching New Curators: a free, one-year training program specifically catering to people from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

Not only will New Curators be tuition-free, but participants will also receive a full-time employment contract for 12 months. They'll be paid a real living wage, currently at GBP 11.95 an hour for London, to cover rent and other expenses.

Participants will spend three days a week on academic seminars, practical skills and assignments. One day each week will be dedicated to visiting exhibitions, artists' studios and collections. The final day is spent working on a large art show. Each cohort curates an exhibition, with the first set to open at the South London Gallery in the summer of 2024. Throughout the year, participants will also be given opportunities to work on other projects or shadow installations at other venues. 

Applications close on 5 February 2023, and anyone with a BA degree or equivalent experience can apply. New Curators was founded and is directed by Mark Godfrey, Kerryn Greenberg and Rudi Minto de Wijs. 

Trend Bite

For art to reflect society as a whole, museums and galleries need new voices that challenge dominant narratives and viewpoints. They need curators who can ensure that art connects with everyone, not just an affluent or initiated slice of the population.

As New Curators' co-founder Rudi Minto de Wijs explains, "Opportunities in the arts/in general are hard to come by, if not impossible to realize for people like me. We either have to be lucky or grateful, and I think that is unfair and needs changing. I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for the kindness of my Uncle and Aunty, a scholarship from the Welsh government (!) and a stubborn, confident belief that people like me deserve platforms and supporting as much as those who can afford to pay for it. Platforms need to be created and space made through equity and understanding."

If groups of people are (still) underrepresented in your industry, now's the time to figure out how your brand can give them a leg up. Including financial support.

Innovation of the day

Spotted by: Stijn Janssen