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McDonald's Spain sells 'burger that couldn't be' to support farms hit by wildfires

Nearly 250,000 hectares of land have been ravaged by wildfires in Spain this year, as heatwaves and a historic drought are leading to record devastation across Europe. As fires burn through agricultural areas, entire harvests are lost. To help out farmers, McDonald's Spain has created La hamburguesa que no pudo ser — the hamburger that couldn't be.

An empty, black hamburger box represents crops that were destroyed and farms that have lost their income. While McDonald's has committed to paying for part of the burned crops, it's also inviting customers to support affected farmers. By adding a non-existent burger to their regular order, they donate EUR 1.

Trend Bite

In 2020, McDonald's Spain created the Big Good hamburger to help over 2,000 of the country's farmers and producers who were severely impacted by the pandemic. Its new 'hamburger that couldn't be' is an extension of Proyecto Big Good.

Like Coca-Cola or Shell, McDonald's is invariably viewed as a symbol of globalization, and often of its negative impacts. But Proyecto Big Good demonstrates how a multinational can flex its marketing power and omnipresence to connect with local residents and the very real and immediate issues they face. One to be inspired by?

Related: Burger King hands out bags of potatoes to help French farmers

Innovation of the day

Spotted by: Stijn Janssen