8 April 2025

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An app does the shouting, for a COVID-proof prosperity toss

A Chinese New Year's custom that's practiced across Asia, the lohei or prosperity toss is both a dish and a communal experience. A wide variety of fresh vegetables, fish and condiments are ceremoniously piled on a large platter. People then gather around the table and use their chopsticks to toss the ingredients while shouting auspicious phrases. Anyone who's heard the word aerosol in the past year knows that loud exclamations in close quarters probably aren't a good idea.

Which is why Singapore-based Koh Beng Liang — aka DJ Beng — created an app with 14 pre-recorded, shouted phrases. By tapping on a phrase instead of shouting it out, users can make sure that every step of the lohei is accompanied by the appropriate calls, for New Year prosperity without the risk of COVID-19 infection. It's a simple yet smart innovation that allows people to enjoy a traditional celebration, while also keeping each other safe and healthy.

This is one of eight awesome APAC-based innovations that we cover in our Lunar New Year special. Picked to give you an inspiring start to the Year of the Ox!
