8 April 2025

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Get Vegan Grub aims to be an ethical alternative to Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Just Eats

Get Vegan Grub aims to be an ethical alternative to Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Just Eats. The vegan part is simple: as a food delivery platform, it will only offer plant-based dishes. But its mission doesn't end there: Get Vegan Grub is embedding non-violence throughout its business. Research is done on companies before partnering with them: do they pay their workers decent wages? Do they play fairly in their marketplace?

Unlike some other platforms, Get Vegan Grub — which is operational in Manchester and will launch in London in February 2021 — pledges not to overcharge restaurants. No joining fees or monthly minimums, either. It has also made a deliberate choice to only work with smaller and independent restaurants, and encourages chefs to use environmentally-friendly packaging. 

It's unlikely that Fairphones will outsell iPhones, unlikely that organic will outgrow conventional, but every Goliath offers opportunities for purpose-driven Davids: if your product and messaging are strong, you will be able to peel off a subset of consumers who share your vision. And you might even be able nudge the behemoths to change their ways. So to all you Davids out there: go get 'em. And Goliaths: disrupt yourselves before someone else does.

Stay healthy,

The TrendWatching content team