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Paint brand gives Indonesian school canteens a fresh coat to stop kids from getting sick

Indonesian schools usually feature open-air dining areas, presenting a specific health risk: flies landing on children and the food they're eating. In the country's hot and humid climate, flies are vectors for diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, typhus and cholera. The issue is especially acute in schools near markets, landfills and other favored breeding grounds. 

A decade ago, entomologists at the University of Florida discovered that flies are repelled by the color yellow. Now, paint manufacturer Dulux Indonesia is leveraging that finding to help schools create a safer dining environment for their students. Following a pilot experiment to confirm yellow's efficacy in repelling flies, Dulux repainted tables, seats and walls in several schools, which led to a notable decline of the insects. 

With Yellow Canteen, developed in partnership with creative agency Innocean, Dulux is rolling out the project to more schools. The response has been overwhelming, so Dulux is prioritizing schools with the greatest need and welcomes sponsors to join the endeavor.

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The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a renewed focus on preventative care, motivating people to take proactive steps to mitigate the threat of disease and illness. The Yellow Canteen is emblematic of that shift — Dulux is widening its product's benefits beyond aesthetics by using paint to combat health risks in schools and help prevent kids from getting sick.

Health and wellness aren't just personal pursuits but a collective imperative that informs buying behavior across sectors. Whatever industry you're in, which practical steps can your brand take to bolster public health and become a trusted ally for your customers?

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Spotted by: Vicki Loomes