8 April 2025

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Crying as self-care? NYC's Sob Parlour creates dedicated spaces to weep and bawl

In a novel approach to mental wellbeing, Sob Parlour hosts dedicated spaces in New York City where people can come to intentionally cry. Currently organized as pop-ups, the 'SobSuites' are comfortable, private oases nestled within existing wellness and cultural hubs, providing a serene environment optimized for emotional release.

Upon booking, clients are matched with personalized music and interactive writing prompts to help access their tears. The multi-sensory experiences aim to unlock the holistic health benefits of a good cry, from stress relief to boosting oxytocin and endorphins.

After a cathartic 'SobSession,' clients can avail themselves of restorative amenities like caffeine serums, facial rollers and eye masks. The goal is to transition people back into their day feeling refreshed and unburdened after this innovative exercise in emotional vulnerability. Sob Parlour's founder would like to see crying booths installed all over the city.

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Sob Parlour's novel concept taps into growing societal awareness around the importance of emotional expression. By creating spaces purposefully designed for safe, shameless crying, the startup is destigmatizing one of our most human experiences while positioning conscious tears as the latest frontier of self-care.