8 April 2025

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Cerveza Corona in Colombia launched an Airbnb-style platform showcasing Colombian eco-hotels that champion sustainable tourism

This quarter, beer company Cerveza Corona in Colombia launched Paradise Advisor: an Airbnb-style platform showcasing Colombian eco-hotels that champion sustainable tourism – as an alternative to non-eco-focused accommodations. The platform aims to primarily reach citizens of Colombia as they plan their ‘staycations’ in the country. Paradise Advisor spotlights the different ways these eco-hotels have geared their missions and operational practices around sustainability, while granting them greater visibility and incentivizing travelers through discounted rates. As Colombia’s tourism sector is slowly opening back up, this initiative hopes to help rebuild the hard-hit industry in a way that promotes a more responsible and conscious form of tourism. 

How does this tie in to consumers’ current sentiments? Well, for one, 86% of adults globally want the world “to change significantly and become more sustainable and equitable rather than returning back to how it was before”. And when it comes to travel, those who are able and eager to travel (after lockdown measures are lifted, of course) often opt for staycations, mostly due to safety concerns. For instance, since the COVID-19 outbreak, 75% of leisure trips in the US have been by car (more than double the historical average). In the UK, a recent survey revealed that 83% prefer to holiday in their own country rather than traveling abroad. 

But the implications here extend far beyond the travel industry, as many sectors have been severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But here’s the good news: Disruption can give birth to new ideas! The pandemic is granting all brands permission to experiment, and even opportunities to innovate ‘outside their lane’. Think about it: This is a beer company going into the sustainable tourism sector! And Cerveza Corona isn’t the only Latin American beermaker venturing into new, purpose-driven fields. Just last month, we covered Brazil-based Cervejaria Colorado, as it launched a beer with a price that fluctuates according to deforestation levels in the Amazon rainforest. 

How can you leverage the build-it-back-better momentum not only to pursue a distinctly purpose-driven mission, but also to explore new business fields for your company?

Stay healthy,

The TrendWatching content team