Boosting female driving in Brazil, Chevrolet pays for women to get their license
Acquiring a driver's license, or CNH (Carteira Nacional de Habilitação) as it's known in Brazil, has long been a rite of passage for young adults. But just 35% of valid Brazilian driver's licenses are held by women. A leading cause of the gender disparity? Financial constraints.
To address that economic barrier, Chevrolet Brasil is supporting the Instituto Plano de Menina to help hundreds of women obtain a driver's license. By donating BRL 1 million, the automaker will enable 170 girls and women from underprivileged backgrounds to get their CNH free of charge. Brazilians over 18 who identify as female (CIS or trans) can apply for aid.
Chevrolet is also calling on other brands and individuals to chip into the #ElasNaDireção crowdfunding drive, with the total amount raised currently at BRL 1,1 million.
Trend Bite
Chevrolet's partnership with the Instituto Plano de Menina seeks to achieve more than the act of driving. In helping women overcome financial barriers to obtaining their licenses, the initiative taps into deeper issues around independence and choice.
A CNH doesn't just provide an additional mode of transportation, but also represents increased control over one's life. After all, mobility has significant implications for employment and other life opportunities, and not being able to get around exacerbates existing gender and economic inequality. Which — relatively simple — hurdles could your brand help consumers overcome to achieve greater autonomy?
Related: Redefining mobility, Localiza funds driving lessons for people with Down syndrome